вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г.

Коллеги! Начинается работа по Российско-Британскому проекту. В роекте будут задействованы ученики десятых классов. Предлагаю ознакомиться с уроком, который англоязычные студенты будут проводить с нашими учениками.

Interactive lesson “Water – Global Resource: Searching for New Ideas”

Objectives of the lesson are to:
  • Familiarize children with the water consumption situation in Russia and abroad;
  • Familiarize children with notions of virtual water and water footprint, encourage them to reflect on the fact that human lifestyle requires large quantities of water.
  • Initiate children’s speculations on how to use water efficiently and how to alleviate water consumption problems.
Plan of the lesson:
  • Introduction. It is necessary to introduce yourself and say some words about the project and the program of the lesson (describe a form of the lesson, what you are going to do)
  • Divide the participants into groups of 4-5 persons depending on the number of pupils in the class. It is preferably to have maximum 5 groups consisting of maximum 5 pupils.
  • Activity 1 “What do we use water for?”. Pupils discuss why we need water.
  • Activity 2 “How can we share a water pie?” reveals statistics on water use in terms of the Russian economy.
  • Activity
  • 3 “Virtual water” tells pupils about water used for production of the goods and food.
  • Activity 4 “Know-how for water use”. Pupils discuss and propose their ways to solve water-related problems.
  • Students answer schoolchildren’s questions related to the project.
Stages of the lesson Activities, recommendations Notes
Introduction – 3 min
Introduce yourself to the group and get acquainted with the schoolchildren.
Present the topic and a plan of the lesson.
Divide the schoolchildren into the groups of 5-6 persons.
Propose to the groups to take seats at separate tables.
Prepare the classroom in such a way that pupils may work in 4 or 5 groups of 4 - 5 persons in each. It is preferable to have groups working at separate tables.
Activity 1 - 10 min
What do we use water for?”
Ask the groups to discuss the question “Why do we need water?”. Ask students to create a small poster or write down the words, making a list of needs. Let the students choose their form of presentation of their ideas.
Listen to what the pupils propose and summarise their ideas, grouping them into six key categories:
- domestic (daily living needs in the households)
- transport – shipping industry
- fishing and using other biological resources
- energy industry (hydropower, thermal power – the steam is used as a driver)
- agriculture
- manufacturing

Write down the categories on the board or flipchart.
It would be better, if you ask the groups tell one idea at a time, going through all groups in turn without repeating ideas,

Use a blackboard or flipchart

After summing up, explain, that the next activity will help to find out, how much water is used (consumed) in the entire country for the purposes, discussed in the first activity (of course, it does not relate to fishing and water transport, only to the sectors, which consume water).

Activity 2
How can we share a “water pie” of Russia?”

Inform the schoolchildren that Russia consumes
62,000 km3 of water every year. The Activity for the pupils is to find out how much water is used by the main economy sectors of Russia.

Give hand-outs for Activity 2 to each group. Select one of the options agreed with the school.
Option I: a paper disc, a pencil, a set of cards containing the titles of 5 economy sectors: energy industry, manufacturing industry, agriculture, housing and utilities, other.

Option II: plasticine, a cardboard, a plastic knife, a set of cards containing the titles of 5 economy sectors.

Propose to the pupils to use a paper disc or a plasticine disc. Explain them that the disc represents the whole amount of water used in Russia during a year (62,5 km3).
Ask the pupils to divide the disc or “water pie” between 5 economy sectors: energy industry, manufacturing industry, agriculture, housing and utilities, other.
Give them 5-7 minutes for the Activity.

Listen to the proposals of the groups.
Provide the schoolchildren with the statistics and comment them. Statistical data is provided in the Annex “Supplementary materials”.

Pay special attention of the children to the fact that we all consume energy, manufactured goods, agricultural products, which means that we consume water used for the production of these goods.
Use the set of hand-outs for Activity 2. The hand-outs shall be provided by the school. There should be 5 sets of hand-outs.

Activity 3
Virtual water”
Show the children an apple and ask:
If this apple weights 100 g how much water does it contain?”

Listen to the opinions of the children.

Inform them that according to scientists, this apple contains 70 liters of water. Explain that it is “virtual water”.
Discuss with the schoolchildren what expenditures make this figure.

Listen to the pupils’ opinions and summarize that it is the water, which was spent on watering an apple tree, transportation, package manufacturing, fertilizers, washing the apple, etc.

Any goods, product or even service contain “virtual water” spent on their production.
Hand out each group sets of cards with pictures or names of different products or foodstuffs (5-6 cards), as well as cards with figures (10L, 100L, 250L, 500 L, 1000L, 5000 L).

Ask children to place the figures in the form of a scale ascending from 10L to 5000L.

Ask the groups to suppose, how much water was spent to produce goods and products, which they have got, and place them along the scale of figures.

Time to do the Activity is 5-6 min.

Hand out the groups sheets with answers and ask them to check their assumptions.

Discuss some examples.

Use an apple or any other product or commodity to explain the notion of “virtual water”.

Use the set of hand-outs for Activity 3.

The school provides and prints out the set of hand-outs in the form of cards.
Quantity: 5 sets.

The school provides and prints out sheets with answers.
Quantity: 5 copies.

Discuss the following question with the schoolchildren:
  • What impression have the water consumption figures made on them? By which figures have they been surprised?
  • Do production technologies and methods of agriculture influence these figures?
  • Is all water taken from water bodies used efficiently?
  • What happens to the water, which is used by people? Does its amount/quality change?
  • How does the person’s lifestyle influence water consumption?

Use examples during the discussion.
You can use data on the specific GDP water intensity – i.e. how much water is used in the country per one rouble/dollar of produced goods and services (see supplemental materials).

Using the table data you can discuss with the schoolchildren, what factors influence the GDP intensity.
It is worth noting the following factors:
- water consumption efficiency,
- availability of water saving technologies,
- water losses during the transportation,
- the economy structure,
- legal rules, current laws,
- population (especially in urban areas, served by the central water supply)
- natural and geographic factors (climate, the amount of precipitations, etc.).
- application of various chemicals that get into water and are not removed even after treatment.

Ask the children to suppose, what percentage of all water consumed in Russia is water losses? The percentage of water losses in the total amount of consumed water is about 13% - 8 km3 – exactly the same amount is consumed by the entire Russian industry.

After finishing this part of the Activity emphasize that water consumption is only the top of water problem iceberg.
It is important to understand that water quality changes significantly.

Discuss with the schoolchildren, what economy sectors make an adverse impact on water quality.
Ask the children to determine the percentage of water that would correspond to 17 km3. That amount of water is returned to water bodies being contaminated, and 1/5 of it is not treated at all.

Recite the main challenges, to which unsustainable water use leads. Use presentation slides, if technical capabilities permit or write them on the blackboard (on a big sheet of paper).
The presentation is provided by Vodokanal’s YEC experts at the seminar on 16 November.
Activity 4
Know-how for water use”
Remind the schoolchildren that the school team will present its ideas about efficient water use at the final stage of the project at the Fair of Environmental Ideas.

Ask each group to select one of the economy sectors and present one or two ideas how to optimize water use and reduce adverse impacts.

Time to do the Activity – 10 min.
Propose the groups to put their ideas on А3 or А2 paper.
Listen to the presentations of the groups.

Thank the participants.
Say that in January a school team of 5-6 persons will be invited to a seminar at the Vodokanal’s Youth Environmental Centre and they should be ready to speak in support of their ideas in English. The Fair of Ideas will be held in March 2013.

Q&A Propose the schoolchildren to ask project-related questions.

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