воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.

Для ВПР 7 классы

Пример описания картинки

1. I would like to describe picture No (number)…
2. The picture shows a woman (a girl, a boy, children) at school (at home, in the garden, …).
3. In the background of the picture there is/there are … . so we can understand (guess) that it was taken in the classroom (in the garden, etc.) - The weather is … I think it is … (season).
4. The woman is reading a book in a hammock (гамак). (The girl is doing a task in her copybook. The boy is solving Maths problems by the blackboard).
5. She (he, they) is (are) young (old, middle-aged,) and pretty (handsome, beautiful).
6. She (he, they) has got (have got) … short (long) blonde (dark) hair and … eyes.
 7. She (he, they) is (are) wearing…
8. She (he, they) look(s)/ seem(s) … happy (relaxed, serious, concentrated, etc.)
 9. I like the photo because the woman (girl, boy) is having a good time. I also enjoy … (reading, relaxing in the garden).
(I don’t like this photo because the boy looks stressed. In my opinion, he is bad at Maths.)

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